TEAM & Block Plans

The Harriers' team 2025 training plan is HERE. Block 1 takes us to our first race goals in the spring. These are designed to provide solid, all-around fitness and speed for focus races. You can also follow it as a block plan, starting whenever you’re ready. We’ll update it throughout the season as more blocks are added and race-specific plans are posted. We can’t overemphasize the value of strength training. So this year’s plans will include a tab with exercises you can do weekly. We’ll update them throughout the season.

RAce-Specific Plans

Marathons - We’ve got a lot of runners lining up to do spring and summer races. Here is the Harriers Road Marathon Plan (Google Sheets). You’ll need to save a copy to your own google drive to personalize it.

Half Marathons - Harriers Road Half Marathon Plan

Training Blocks.png

Tuesday Morning Track Workouts (March through November):

  • Denver North High School Track, 6:15 am. Warmup on your own and gather for drills and workout details at 6:25. If you’re driving, use “Denver North High School Tennis Courts” in your GPS and approach from 32nd Ave. In the summer, when the weather is nice, we’ll also do a monthly breakfast club after the workout.

Thursday Evening Tempo Workouts (February through November):

  • Denver, Highland Bridge & Platte St, 6:30 pm (next to Dave’s Hot Chicken). We’ll head out for a warmup mile together at 6:35, then go through the specific workouts. Social after at Cerveceria Colorado (Denver Beer Co.)

Sunday Runday (March through November):

  • Twice a month we meet up for a group long run, with brunch to follow. Check the calendar for details on upcoming runs.

Basic Structure & Philosophy

Weekly workouts are the foundation of a detailed team training plan that supports our team race schedule, as well as individual goals. We honor the principle that "seriousness" is not a function of your speed or your particular genetic potential. It's a function of your goals and commitment. The same rules of training, improvement, physiology, and intensity apply to 10-minute milers and 4-minute milers. 

  • SPEED WORKHigh-intensity interval training. Specific intervals are run hard, and each is followed by a short rest period before the next. Intervals are usually between 200 meters to 1 mile depending on the training cycle.

  • TEMPO - STEADY STATE RUNNING: Specified intervals or a mid-distance run (4 to 10 miles depending on training cycle) at a steady pace that is 85% to 90% of your maximum aerobic capacity.

  • LONG RUN:  Longer distance run (10 to 20 miles depending on training cycle) at a medium to slow (aerobic) pace

  • ACTIVE RECOVERY: Short to medium distance runs at a very easy, low intensity pace

Locations are posted on Strava and our FB Group. Please email if you have any questions.

The Training & Racing Cycle

The year is divided is three main parts. During pre-season training, we focus on building up our aerobic base and resistance to injury. There are no scheduled team races in pre-season. The core of the year is the racing season. During that time, we increase the intensity of training and target specific team races. In the off-season, it's a time to recover. There are no scheduled team workouts or races. 

Year Cycle & Table.png

training resources

Download the full 2019 Coaching Clinic here!

Training Focus: Running in the Heat & Humidity


Below are some links to normal form and dynamic stretching drills we do at workouts:

Butt Kicks & High Knees

A, B, C Skips

Lateral Movement ("Karaoke", "Carioca", "Grapevine")

Bounding ("Super Marios")

Basic Form